PDM Vault - ‘The file format is not recognized’ warning.

There are a few possible reasons why this warning can pop-up. This is one of the most common causes we've come across.

This error can appear when trying to manage, for example, ‘.slddrw’ files. This is due to the registry setting for the ‘.slddrw’ drawing extension. The registry key ties this extension to ‘SolidWorksPlugin.dll’ for previewing and getting file properties. You can usually continue through the message dialog boxes and add a file to the vault.


If this happens, try the following:

Go to your Registry Editor and rename the following registry keys (The name doesn’t matter):

WARNING! Incorrectly editing the registry can severely damage your operating system. Back-up the registry data before making any changes to the registry!

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\SolidWorks\Applications\PDMWorks Enterprise\FileFormats\.slddrw

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\SolidWorks\Applications\PDMWorks Enterprise\FileFormats\.slddrw (This one will only appear on a x64 system)

By renaming the registry key for the file extensions, SOLIDWORKS is forced to recreate that registry key, ‘linking’ it correctly to the ‘SolidworksPlugin.dll’.

After you renamed those two, restart your PC, and test to see if it worked.


Date: 13/05/2022