4 Surprising SOLIDWORKS tools you might not be aware of

SOLIDWORKS is such a sophisticated CAD program, it might be easy to miss some useful features that could improve productivity in the workplace. To make the most of SOLIDWORKS, it is a good idea to employ shortcuts and hotkeys whenever possible.

The following list of 4 SOLIDWORKS tools can help you with your projects.

1. Search Bar

You can use this function to activate and locate commands without having to actively search the software for the tool. This can be accessed via your "s" hotkey or the upper right corner. A brief animation showing the location of the tool in your software is displayed when you press the eye next to a command you are searching for. When a command appears, clicking on it causes it to be launched immediately for convenience. To quickly customize, you may also just drag & drop elements into your toolbar. Try using the search bar the next time you're using SOLIDWORKS to look up different commands and see if it can be helpful in your workplace.


    Figure 1: Search bar, top right corner of window.           

2. S Hotkey

The S keyboard shortcut allows you to search for tools and access quick commands. The personalized hotkey bar that appears will have the most used features in the mode you're in, whether it's parts, drawings, or assemblies. The hotkey and numerous other keyboard shortcuts provide a more effective way to execute frequent commands.


     Figure 2: Part environment hotkey bar.

    Figure 3: Assembly environment hotkey bar.

   Figure 4: Drawing environment hotkey bar.

3. Notes

Making sure your work is accurate and adheres to standards is simple by adding notes to your project. The text and location of a note can be changed, making them highly customizable. For the first time in 2023, you may customize the color of the notes, add screenshots, and upload images from your file explorer. Another new feature is the ability to determine whether the note appears when opening a part or assembly, which is a simple approach to make your project seem more important to you and the other people working on it.

     Figure 5: Example of creating a basic note.

4. Mouse gestures

To launch frequently used commands with one rapid motion, employ mouse gestures. The command you selected is started immediately when you click and drag the "wheel" with your right mouse button to a specific area. Drawings, parts, and assemblies can all use this capability. You may choose how many and which commands you want on your wheel by adjusting the settings, which is simple to do. Anyone may become a professional in SOLIDWORKS thanks to the effectiveness and simplicity of these features.

Figure 6: Mouse Gesture guide found in the  "Customize" window.

   Figure 6: Mouse gesture guide found in the "Customize" window.


Date: 20/02/2023